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The Captain
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PostSubject: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeMon May 26, 2014 11:39 pm

General Information

Full Name:




Force Alignment:




Force Powers/Abilities:




Personal History:

Last edited by Venom551 on Thu May 29, 2014 5:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Captain
Elite Moderator
Elite Moderator
The Captain

Heroes  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2014 12:22 am

General Information

Full Name: Ford Starr 

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 21 (born 14 BBY)

Force Alignment: Light Side

Height/Weight: 6'2" / 200lbs

Homeworld: Dantooine 

Occupation/Rank: Jedi Knight

Force Powers: 

Ford has is skill in and has mastered various Force Powers, being a Jedi Guardian his skill set is mostly combat oriented;

Force Push/Pull- Allows Ford to pull objects and people to him as well push them away with great force.

Force Barrier- Ford has the ability to create powerful barriers of Force energy protecting himself or others from attacks.

Revitalize- Ford can when given a moment or two revitalize himself during combat regaining expended stamina and strength. After a battle he often meditates restoring himself totally by using the Force.

Stun/Stun Droid- Ford can stun enemies or disable droids with this power.

Force Valor- He can use the force to inspire non-Force users around him to fight harder and have more courage.

Mind Trick- He can manipulate weak minded individuals.

Force Speed- Ford can use the Force to give him superhuman bursts of speed allowing him to fight faster in duels, run faster, and jump higher.

Force Sight- When focused Ford can use the Force to enhance his natural sight allowing him to see farther and to see the unseen. 

Force Healing- Ford can draw upon the Force to heal his wounds. He must enter a meditative state to do so. He cannont heal grievous wounds like the loss of a limb however.

Crucitorn- Ford can draw on the Force to agitate the wounds of others or himself to make them seem more painful, he can also decrease the pain caused by these wounds. He generally uses it in conjunction with his Force Healing to lessen the pain of others while he heals them or using it on himself to heal his own wounds.

Center of Being: Ford can enter this meditative state during combat greatly increasing his focus as he calls on the Force. While he is already one of the most formidable Jedi Knight in the Order when he has focused himself with Center of Being he becomes nearly impossible to attack or to defend against.


Skilled Pilot- Ford is a very capable pilot, one of the best in the Jedi Order and coupled with his use of the Force, Ford is a very effective pilot both in and out of combat. 

Master Lightsaber Duelist- Ford is highly skilled in lightsaber combat being one the Jedi Order's best duelists.. He is most proficient in Shien and Djem So (Form V) and Ataru (Form IV) having mastered both but is also very proficient in Niman (Form VI) and Soresu (Form III) being close to a master in Soresu. Ford also makes use of Sokan adeptly in his fighting styles.

Skilled Tactician and Strategist- Ford is a capable commander in battle having led Jedi Teams and New Republic soldiers in combat several times against forces from the Imperial Remnant. 

Skilled Technician- Ford is skilled in computer usage being able to hack into security systems. He is also skilled in repairing droids, speeders, and starships. 

Skilled Survivalist- As a Jedi he was trained to survive in the wild if need be, he can hunt, track, and stay hidden. 


Lightsaber- Ford has a custom built lightsaber like all Jedi. His has a yellow blade. 

Rebreather- Ford keeps a rebreather on hand at all times should he need to swim underwater for extended periods of time and to protect against toxic gases.

Heroes  Commission___Bright_Inio_by_turin_the_forsaken

Ford is a battle tested Jedi Knight, though he is somewhat overconfident of his ability at times. He is however a loyal friend, generous, and selfless. He is quick to act and not easily manipulated. He however does struggle with the inaction of politicians. 

Personal History:

Ford was born on the Outer Rim world of Dantooine. His parents Dak Starr and Sheri Starr were prosperous farmers on the world. When he was very young he was discovered to be Force sensitive when his mother found him levitating one of the large tractors on the farm. His parents managed to keep his Force sensitivity a secret for fear of the Galactic Empire taking him away.

When he was older his parents sat him down and told him the truth about himself, Dak was not his real father. His mother was already pregnant when she met Dak. His real father had been a Jedi Knight who had escaped Order 66. It didn't matter to Ford though Dak was his father to him, he'd raised him.

When the Battle of Endor was won by the Rebel Alliance and they became the New Republic, Ford presumed to enlist in the Republic military not wanting to spend his life as a farmer. He left for Dac the capital of the Republic at the time and learned that Luke Skywalker was starting up a Jedi Praxeum on Yavin IV. Ford left for the system and joined the Praxeum.

He learned from Grand Master Luke Skywalker and Jedi Master Davik Tay'lon becoming one of the New Jedi Order's best swordsmen and one of their most powerful Force users. Ford attained the rank of Jedi Knight and quickly earned a reputation on the battlefield fighting against the Imperial Remnant.

He would find romance, something that had previously been forbidden to Jedi, with a Lethan Twi'lek Jedi Knight named Talia Ven. The pair would share in many missions together alongside the Wookiee Jedi Knight Saltatha and Jedi Master Davik Tay'lon during the continuing Galactic Civil War.

When the Mandalorian Clans united under Baltan Varad and began a massive crusade against the Republic and the Empire the Jedi were sent to fight this new foe as well. During a mission to Ithor to evacuate Republic officials Talia Ven did not make it back, the shuttle she was in being shot down on their way up the Republic ship in orbit. Ford was forced to watch helplessly as her ship went down.

With the loss of Talia Ford began to feel himself slipping into grief and anger but the guidance of Master Tay'lon kepy him steady during the continuing conflict. Ford would then take on an apprentice Jaxie Ohm to help himself move past the loss of his lover. However when the Sith Empire revealed itself to the galaxy and poured out from the Unknown Regions to invade the rest of the galaxy, Davik Tay'lon fell in battle against Darth Nazrin a powerful Sith Lord. With the loss of Davik, Ford felt alone. His mentor and lover both taken from him, he tries to keep his growing anger controlled.

Last edited by The Captain on Sat Jan 16, 2016 7:58 am; edited 9 times in total
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The Captain
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The Captain

Heroes  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeTue May 27, 2014 3:23 pm

General Information

Full Name: Davik Tay'lon

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 51 (born 44 BBY)

Force Alignment: Light Side

Height/Weight: 6'1" / 210lbs

Homeworld: Corellia 

Occupation/Rank: Jedi Master, Jedi Battlemaster, Member of the Jedi Council, Jedi General in the Republic Army

Force Powers:

Battle Meditation- Davik has mastered the Force power that strengthens the morale and spirits of his comrades while dampening those of his enemies. Using this technique he can turn the tides of battles that would be lost otherwise. When using Battle Meditation however he must be totally focused on using it. 

Telekinesis- Davik can use the Force to push and pull objects and people. He has been seen lifting entire Starships up and tossing them, however using the Force on such large objects strains him greatly. 

Mind Trick- Davik has mastered the ability to persuade others into doing things they normally would not using the Force. He can also project images into people's minds making them see and hear them. This allowed him to evade capture by the Empire during the Jedi Purge. 

Force Stun/Stun Droid- Davik is able to use the Force to disable droids and stun enemies knocking them unconscious for hours or even days if need be. 

Shatterpoint Perception- Davik has learned to perceive Shatterpoints in the force allowing him to figure out possible outcomes to grand things such as wars and to perceive weaknesses by viewing things with the Force. 

Force Healing- Davik can enter a state of meditation and using the Force can heal himself of minor and moderate wounds. 

Force Blinding- Davik can use the Force to blind others, he can choose to do it permanently or to just blind them for a short time. 

Force Speed- Davik can use the Force to enhance his natural speed allowing him to run at high speeds for periods of time, make his dueling faster, and allowing him to leap great distances. 


Master Tactician/Strategist- A veteran of the Clone Wars, Davik was a Jedi General leading the 506th Star Corps. He is a brilliant commander both in space and on the ground, especially when using his Shatterpoint Perception and Battle Meditation powers. He has lead several missions with the Rebel Alliance and the New Republic. 

Master Duelist- Davik is highly skilled Lightsaber duelist, after he joined the New Jedi Order he himself trained most of the Knights in lightsaber combat. He has mastered Form I (Shii-Cho), Form II (Makashi), Form V (Shien/Djem So), and Form VII (Vapaad). Davik is also a master at using Sokan and Tràkata in his fighting style, often coupling with with Makashi and Vapaad, his favored styles, with devastating effect.

Skilled Pilot- Davik is a highly capable pilot of both Starships and Starfighters. He was an Ace during the Clone Wars rivaling the skills of Anakin Skywalker. 

Skilled Survivalist- Being trained as a Jedi and having ample experience from the Clone Wars and after he is and adept Survivalist being able to hunt, track, and evade capture from enemies. 

Skilled Technician- Davik is well versed in computers, starships, and droids being able to repair and maintain them all. 


Lightsaber- Davik uses a custom built Lightsaber he made prior to the Clone Wars. It is a traditional single bladed Lightsaber with a green blade. 

Rebreather- Davik keeps a rebreather on him should the need arise to use it. 


Heroes  Jedi_Master_Allusis


Davik is an older, well experienced Jedi having seen his fair share of hardships. He is somewhat bitter at the Galaxy at large but keeps his emotions in check like all Jedi Masters. He is however very understanding of others and does his best to mentor the younger Jedi in the Order. 

Personal History: 

Davik was born on the Core World of Corellia. At a young age he was discovered to be Force Sensitive and his parents gave him to the Jedi Order to be trained. He became a Jedi Initiate and was placed into a Initiate Clan along with Katari Renshin and Serra Keto. Like all Initiates in his time he was taught along with his clan by Master Yoda. Davik became especially good friends with Katari the two often pairing together for training exercises.

When Davik was 11 his clan was joined by a new member, Anakin Skywalker. Davik and Anakin became fast friends and friendly rivals. Davik was the one member of their clan that Anakin could not easily beat and even lost to several times. Masters Yoda and Windu believed this would check Anakin's growing arrogance. Davik became a star pupil of Jedi Master Cin Drallig during his training during this time.

When he reached 13 Davik was chosen by Mace Windu to be Windu's Padawan, Katari Renshin was chosen by Shaak Ti, Anakin became Obi-Wan Kenobi's formal apprentice, and Serra Keto became the apprentice of Cin Drallig. Davik learned much from Master Windu mastering Vapaad and Makashi during his time as a Padawan and he was knighted earlier than most. By the time Davik was a Knight he had mastered Vapaad, Makashi, and Shii-Choo and was extremely skilled in Shien and Djem So. Davik was one of the Jedi Order's finest duelists and was also extremely powerful in the Force, rivaling Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One. Davik would also wrestle with his romantic feelings for his fellow Jedi Katari Renshin who shared his feelings, the two of them had fallen in love but the Jedi Order forbade such things. The two of them tried to repress their feelings as best they could.

When Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Senator Padmé Amidala found themselves captured by Count Dooku on Geonosis Davik was among the first Jedi to volunteer for Mace Windu's strike team sent to rescue them. Davik battled the Battle Droids in the Petranaki Arena valiantly and was among the few Jedi remaining when Master Yoda arrived with the Clone army rescuing what was left of the strike team.

Davik took part in the First Battle of Geonosis leading a force of Clones alongside Clone Marshal Commander CC-1962. Davik and CC-1962 would assault a Confederate Airbase allowing the Republic to quickly achieve air superiority which in turn allowed Republic LAAT/i gunships to destroy CIS ground forces with near impunity during the battle. After the battle Davik would become a Jedi General and given command of the 506th Star Corps which was the unit CC-1962 commanded. The 506th was part of the Second Sector Army under the command of Senior Jedi General Ry-Gaul which was part of Systems Army Alpha under the command of High Jedi General Mace Windu.

Leading the 506th Davik fought in various battles such as the Hunt for the Decimator, the Foerost Campaign, the Outer Rim Sieges, and the pivotal battle of Coruscant. Davik became known as one of the best Jedi commanders in the galaxy earning the nickname the "Corellian Fox" as he often outwitted enemy commanders. When Operation Durge's Lance began General Grievous smashed through several worlds, during the Battle of Duro, Katari Renshin was leading the defense of the world but her forces were vastly outnumbered. Davik and the 506th were dispatched to reinforce the world. During the week long battle Davik and Katari's romance blossomed and they decided to keep their love a secret. Davik, Katari, and the 506th were ordered to retreat from Duro and the world fell to General Greivous.

Davik and the 506th Star Corps would take part in the Outer Rim Sieges and saw action in the Battle of Boz Pity, the Siege of Saleucami and when Coruscant came under attack the 506th was once of many units recalled to help. Davik's fleet under the command of Admiral Jace Gideon encircled General Grievous' ship the Invisible Hand allowing Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi to board it. Davik and his Corps were planet side pushing CIS forces from the Senate District.

Katari was wounded during the battle and remained at the Jedi Temple to recover while Davik and his men moved to Boz Pity to link up with Quinlan Vos and his troops. It was during this period of rest that Order 66 was given. Davik escaped his men cutting down dozens of Clones before rushing to Coruscant. He got to the Jedi Temple to see it devasted, he snuck inside past the Clones of the 501st Legion and found Katari among the dead Jedi. Davik was devastated upon learning Anakin had killed her and become Darth Vader he swore revenge of his old friend.

Davik would hunt down Darth Vader and would duel with the Sith Lord on the world of Stygeon Prime. However the Grand Inquistor an agent of the Empire aided Darth Vader in the battle and forced Davik to flee. Davik decided to join with the growing Rebel Alliance and would help Rebel Agents in recovering the plans to the first Death Star.

Davik would eventually become part of the Jedi Order that Luke Skywalker, the son of Darth Vader, formed. Davik would become the Order's battlemaster and would have a seat on it's Jedi Council. Davik would also serve as a Jedi General again this time leading soldiers in the new Republic Army.

Davik would fall in combat against Darth Nazrin during the Battle of Coruscant at the beginning of the Great Sith War defending Leia Organa Solo.

Last edited by The Captain on Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:26 pm; edited 10 times in total
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Heroes  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 12:49 pm

Full Name: Cindal Towani

Gender: female

Age: 12

Force Alignment: light side

Height/Weight: 1.52 48kg
Born: 2 BBY
Homeworld: unknown

Occupation/Rank: padawan

Force Powers/Abilities:
Force empathy
Beast control
Force healing (greater than a child her age should have)


Hair colour: Blonde
Eye colour: brown

Kind hearted and gentle, Cindel is a friend to the ewoks that saved her family. She easily makes friends and helps out without question to anyone who needs it. The loss of her family hasn't fully set in yet, and she tries to be stronger than she actually is.

Personal History:

Cindel Towani was a female Human journalist during the time of the New Republic. In 3 ABY, when she was five standard years of age, the Towani family's starcruiser crash-landed on the forest moon of Endor. Soon after, her parents, Jeremitt and Catarine were abducted by the native Gorax, leaving Cindel and her teenage brother Mace to fend for themselves. The two children were found by the Ewok Deej Warrick and taken to live with his family in their village. After learning that Jeremitt and Catarine were being held in the Gorax's lair in the Desert of Salma, the Towani children enlisted the help of the Ewoks and set off to rescue their parents. After a long journey, the group reached and defeated the Gorax and the Towani family were reunited.

The Towanis remained with the Ewoks while Jeremitt worked to repair their ship, and Cindel became friends with Deej Warrick's youngest son, Wicket. Later that year, however, the Ewok village was attacked by a group of Sanyassan Marauders led by King Terak and the Dathomiri Nightsister Charal. Jeremitt, Catarine, and Mace were all killed defending the Ewok village, but Cindel was able to escape with Wicket. Towani and Warrick were eventually taken in by another stranded Human, an old man named Noa Briqualon, and his companion Teek. Towani was subsequently kidnapped by the Sanyassans, who believed that she held the key to their escape from Endor, but Briqualon, Warrick and Teek rescued her from Terak's Keep. Pursued by Terak's forces, the group joined up with the other Ewoks and managed to defeat the Sanyassans and kill Terak.

Following the battle, Towani and Briqualon were able to leave the Endor moon using the power cell of the Towani family's starcruiser to repair Briqualon's starship. Towani traveled the galaxy with Briqualon for some time before he retired in the Mid Rim.

At the age of 8, she went to coruscant where she was discovered to have a few mild Jedi powers and healing beyond her age by Leia. She has attended the academy and is now able to become a padawan under guidance of a Jedi master.

Casting: Annasophia robb
Heroes  AnnaSophia-Robbs-Wild-Ringlets
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Heroes  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeWed May 28, 2014 5:53 pm

Heroes  <img width=" />Heroes  Charlies-Angels-Full-ThrottleHeroes  Cameron-diaz

Full Name: Nerilly Tacken "The secret"

Gender: Female
Species: Human
Age: 25 (age delayed)
Homeworld: Alderaan, escaped the destruction of the planet
Born: 20 BBY Genian. Age paused due to hibernation.

Force Alignment: light side

Occupation/Rank: Jedi Knight

Force Powers/Abilities: Force detection, highly skilful with lightsaber in various combat forms- Form III (Soresu), Form IV: (Ataru), Form VIII: (Sokan), agility, far-sight, force healing, healing, stamina, telekinesis, telepathy, very advanced in the art of mind trick and force persuasion.

Weapons/Items: Affiliation: Jedi, Galactic Republic, Rebel Alliance

Appearance: Blonde with blue to grey eyes. Tall, athletic and slim

Personality: a dry sense of humour and sarcastic wit but with extensive knowledge and potential.

Personal History: to be discovered
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeTue Jun 24, 2014 12:18 am

"Jax be nimble, Jax be quick. Jax whoop all those pesky Sith."

Heroes  Untitled_drawing_by_voyager18-d7n7xui

General Information

Full Name
Jaxie Ohm
Force Alignment:

Jedi Initiate
Force Powers/Abilities:
-Art of Movement
-Force Jump
-Force Speed
-Wall Walk
-Force Cloak
-Force Weapon

Iaido Practitioner - Jaxie practices a particularly unique fighting style that goes well with her speed and stealth influence. However, mastery of it may require that she be more patient. She is still adept in the art and its unpredictable nature allows her to hold her own with many a versed lightsaber duelist.

Lightsaber and SD Light Sheathe - Jaxie's weapon of choice is a unique build of lightsaber that takes after the sheathed sword Iaido combat style. Her lightsaber doesn't turn off the normal way due to its unique make. It is longer than most other lightsaber (constantly acting at a length about equal to a saber in dual phase) but in order to contain that kind of power consistently, it needs to be placed inside of the SD Light Sheathe. Meanwhile, if she wishes not to draw the lightsaber, the sheathe can act as a club, even with Force Weapon used to make it a powerful enough weapon to easily subdue someone.

Significant Relationships: None to speak of.
Place in Community: Jaxie was never particularly well liked, but also not particularly hated. When interacting with people, she had a tendency to be very short with them. She also never seemed to pay attention for long when people spoke to her. At worst, a few people would have a few rather choice words to say about her.
Amusements, Hobbies: Watching ships while tuning out the rest of the world, boxing, free running, collecting coins.

Moral Standards: Jaxie fits into a section of moral grey. Her alignment would be closest to pure Neutral. The best quote to describe how she thinks morally is "It seemed like the thing to do at the time."
Personal Ambitions: Jaxie's only personal ambition is to get away from her run-down neighborhood, in her poor social position and just see things and experience things.
Frustrations: Jaxie isn't particularly fond of overly energetic people. She also isn't fond of ignorance or machismo.
Temperament: Jaxie is usually rather calm and collected, but there is a quiet anger built up under the surface, which is usually masked by sharp-witted humor.
Attitude toward life: Jaxie lives by a very simple philosophy. "Life's too short to spend thinking about what you're going to do. If it seems like a good idea, go for it. Worry about looking stupid later. We all looked stupid before. You aren't special."
Complexes: Jaxie has an acute aversion to noise. She is also a bit of a stickler about things being put orderly in her room.
Extrovert, Introvert: Jaxie is rather introverted. There are few people that get her to speak in volumes. If she is particularly friendly with someone, it usually just means she'll listen more carefully.
I.Q: Very Gifted - 135-144

Personal History:
Jaxie keeps most of her past to herself.  What people generally know is that there was a drastic complication at the time of her birth.  Some manner of personal ability, be it force-related or otherwise, manifested at an extremely early stage of development, whilst she was still in the womb.  This ultimately resulted in her mother dying during the process of giving birth to the child.  Jaxie (named after her mother) grew up with the knowledge that she, quite literally, was the death of her mother.  How she got to where she is now is rarely spoken of.  That said, she also refuses to wear the traditional robs, as she finds she can move better without them.  This, among other things, has led to...disagreements, in the past.

It's been suggested that Jaxie has at least a minor connection to the Dark Side in some way. One she's likely unaware of.

Post Sith War:

Last edited by Ink on Sun Jan 24, 2016 10:06 am; edited 18 times in total
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Heroes  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 11:52 am

Teela Macklin

Age: 18
Species: twilek

*more details to come*
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeSun Jun 29, 2014 11:54 am

Caesaria (Case)

Age: 18
Species: human

Heroes  600full-jessica-grace-smith
Heroes  2a9085c5415d05aa69662aad838de8a2_400x400

Weapons: rare bronze crystal lightsaber

Last edited by Mellicious on Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Heroes  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeSat Jul 05, 2014 9:50 am

General Information

Full Name:
Qui-Gon Tytus
Force Alignment:
Force Powers/Abilities:
Force Push/Pull- Allows Qui-Gon to pull objects and people to him as well push them away with great force.

Mind Trick- He can manipulate weak minded individuals.

Force Speed- Qui-Gon can use the Force to give him superhuman bursts of speed allowing him to fight faster in duels, run faster, and jump higher.

Force Sight- When focused Qui-Gon can use the Force to enhance his natural sight allowing him to see farther and to see the unseen.

Force Scream-

Force Choke- Using the force Qui-Gon is able to choke someone from afar.

Force Blinding-He can use the Force to blind others temporarily.

Force Lightning- Qui-Gon is able to emit bolts of lightning from his finger tips.

Force Combustion: Using the Force Qui-Gon can cause an object or even a person to explode through his sheer force of will.

Blaster, a two part lightsaber

Heroes  Ku-xlarge

Qui-Gon is a survivor who has a soft spot for the underdog and the less fortunate.

Personal History:
Qui-Gon's father was a Jedi Knight (Sentinel) and close fried of Qui-Gon Jin and like him was seen as a bit of a rebel to other Jedi. He left the order shortly after Qui-Gon's death to search for other Sith knowing there were always more than one. When the Clone Wars began Qui-Gon's father returned to join his brothers and sisters. He foresaw his own men turning on him and was able to escape annihilation of the Jedi order.
Years later Qui-Gon was born on Naboo and when he began showing signs of being force sensitive his father began training him. Qui-Gon's father didn't see a need to teach him about keeping his emotions in check and even taught him a few of the abilities associated with the darker side of the force. His father made sure that Qui-Gon kept his abilities hidden from others. Qui-Gon did the best he could to obey his father but when he saw some troopers tormenting a friend he lashed out using the Force to stop them. His actions brought Vader to his home which resulted in the death of his parents who kept Vader and his men back while he ran.
From that point on Qui-Gon refused to use his abilities unless absolutely necessary. He survived on his own trying his best to stay out of other people's problems but would often find himself lending someone worse off than him a hand. He would eventually become known as the man to call if you need anything transported in secrecy. There is nothing Qui-Gon can't pilot and no place he can't get into or out of. He relies on his quick thinking to get him out of tough situations and if that fails him he'll use his customized sidearms to blast his way out. Qui-Gon has been asked to join the new Jedi Order but refuses believing that the beliefs of the Jedi are flawed.
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 9:44 am

Quote :
General Information

Full Name: Zora

Gender: F

Species: Human

Age: 26

Force Alignment:

Height/Weight: 6" / 125+ lbs


Occupation/Rank: Leader of of a group of the Mercenary Knights, Force User mercenaries, not aligned with the Republic or the Empire, the Jedi or the Sith, staying as uninvolved in the war as possible, mostly taking jobs to deal with Mandalorians and other threats.

Force Powers/Abilities:
Art of Movement
Force Speed
Force Jump
Force Body
Force Vision
Force Sense
Alter Damage
Battle Meditation
Force Bellow
Force Scream
Force Fear
Torture of Chagrin
Force Rage

Master Duelist - Zora is a brilliantly talented duelist, having mastered all of the core saber styles and specializing in Form V: Shien and Form VI: Niman. She's also adept in hand-to-hand combat. Her preferred style is to wait and study her enemy's patterns and idiosyncrasies in order to adapt and develop a style on the spot that works best for that enemy. She generally opens using a tactic of overwhelming might and force to get her enemy to show their hand, then will quickly adapt.

Advanced Strategist
Skilled Technician & Mechanic
Daredevil Landspeeder driving

Lightsabers - Zora wields a pair of standard blue lightsabers.

Landspeeder - Zora gets around in a personalized single-passenger Landspeeder, modified for use at high altitudes, enabling drops in it akin to a shuttle.

Heroes  Dulcee10

Zora can be a bit... severe at times. She is a compassionate and spiritual person who cares deeply about the wellbeing of those around her. She's a good leader, both firm in her conviction and considerate of those around her. While she is more prone to tough love, she has the capacity for motherly comfort. She simply has a nasty habit of hitting things she doesn't like. While she doesn't revel in the opportunity to fight new enemies, she's very different in a fight, being patient and methodical. Simply put, Zora just isn't good with words or feelings. But she considers it something that's only human and nothing to be ashamed of or run from. All emotions have their place. Even anger and pride. She simply believes they should not consume a person entirely. That said, she may need to take her own advice as she is swimming in a pool of regret.

Personal History:
Zora and her little sister were Force Sensitives, she was gifted with a rare ability to peer into the future through the Force. Her visions, small though they usually were in the beginning, always came true. One day she had a terrible vision of people coming from the stars and taking her sister away. She rushed to protect her sister but arrived too late as the rising Sith Empire's Inquisition attacked their home and took her little sister from her behind the guise of an attack from the Galactic Empire, leaving Zora for dead. She was found, however, by Davik Tay'lon, who was responding to the incident. Detecting her abilities, Zora was taken in by the new Jedi Order.

She excelled in her training but the regret ate away at her for years. She was frequently told to suppress that feeling and it eventually led her to doubt the Jedi teachings. While she looked up to Davik as something of a father figure, eventually she left, feeling that while what the Jedi stood for was admirable, their teachings were simply not for her. Meanwhile, she could still feel that somewhere in the Galaxy.

Zora does everything she can to make her visions count as she can trigger them through meditation (although they do still happen on their own every now and again).

Last edited by Ink on Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:15 am; edited 3 times in total
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The Captain
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The Captain

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 4:28 pm

Heroes  Mockingjay-Poster-Gale-NL
General Information

Full Name: Jarik Bahr

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 24

Force Alignment:None

Height/Weight: 6'2"/220lbs

Homeworld: Kuat

Occupation/Rank: Captain in the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps as an elite Storm Commando

Force Powers/Abilities:

No Force Powers

Advanced Tactician and Strategist
Expert Hand to Hand combatant
Guerrilla Warfare Expert
Weapons Master
Skilled Technician and Mechanic


Storm Commando Armor: Storm Commando armor is similar to Scout Trooper armor but is all black and is extremely resistant to blasters, slug throwers, and even lightsabers to a degree.

Imperial Armory: Jarik makes use of a variety of Imperial weapons such as the E-11 Blaster rifle and much more including thermal detonators and heavy blasters.


Heroes  Latest?cb=20131222143658


Jarik is a soldier through and through. He is disciplined, loyal, and highly intelligent. He lives for the Empire and sees it as a force for Order and Justice in the galaxy and the Republic to be simply organized chaos. His father was a officer in the Republic Navy during the Clones Wars and witnessed the corruption in the Republic first hand and passed on his feelings towards the Republic to his son.

Jarik is however conflicted greatly with the direction the Empire took with it's Death Star weapons and the destruction of Alderaan. He however kept his opinion to himself and served. He sees the Empire as it is now under Grand Admiral Thrawn and Admiral Paelleon as a vast improvement than their leadership with Palpatine and Vader.

Personal History:

Conceived on Kuat during the latter stages of the Clone Wars. Jarik grew up on the prominent Imperial world to a father who served in the Imperal Navy and commanded his own Star Destroyer that was stationed in orbit above the mighty shipbuilding world. His mother was a engineer working for the Kuat Drive Yards and had a hand in helping to produce the might Star Destroyers themselves.

When he was old enough he enrolled in the Imperial Academy and shipped off to Coruscant. He graduated top of his class and went to serve in the Stormtrooper Corps where he saw action against the fledgling Rebel Alliance. His skill, bravery, and command potential eventually led to him being selected for training as an Imperial Storm Commando. He again shipped back to Coruscant to undertake the elite training that only a top percentage of Stormtroopers were selected for.

He again graduated top of his class and was promoted to Captain. He undertook many special operations with the Storm Commandos against the Rebel Alliance. When the Battle for Endor was over and the Emperor dead as well as Darth Vader he rallied many of the elite Storm Commandos to Admiral Paelleon and fought against both rival Imperial Warlords and the "new" Republic that had formed. When Grand Admiral Thrawn took control of the majority of the remaining Imperial forces Jarik gladly followed the brilliant commander.

Jarik has now recently been assigned a mission he did not expect, the Imperial Remnant and the Galactic Republic are pairing together against the Mandalorian threat and he is to work alongside Jedi and enemy he has spent several years fighting against a common foe.
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2015 12:20 pm

Quote :
General Information

Full Name: Cairn Ro

Gender: M

Species: Human

Age: 47

Force Alignment:

Height/Weight: 6" / 221lbs

Homeworld: Tatooine

Occupation/Rank: Bounty Hunter

Force Powers/Abilities:
No Force Abilities

Marksmanship - Cairn is a master gunslinger who has a reputation for never missing a mark unless it's on purpose. To add to his precise aim, Cairn is fast, being a master of the quick draw and capable of firing six perfectly accurate shots in a blink. He's the fastest, most accurate gun in the galaxy and most know it, making him a considerably popular bounty hunter.

Close Quarters Combat - Cairn is exceptionally trained in CQC, having honed his skills in Madalorian arenas, against Teräs Käsi practitioners, and other noteworthy employers of unarmed combat.

Strategic Prowess - Cairn is a masterful strategist and tactician, able to develop complex plans in an instant and pick apart the faults in any plan just as quickly.

Arsenal - Cairn is a walking bunker. He carries more types of guns than more soldiers, all of which being collapsible and fit in his coat.

Heroes  Klasse10

Cairn is a very straightforward man. He doesn't have much in the way of sense of humor, but he has all the skill in the world... and the reputation to prove it. He's practical and doesn't like to waste any time, cutting right to the chase. In his down time he does like to tell stories about past jobs. He's rather particular about weapons, often looking to "improve" any area's defenses or armaments, calibrate the ones they have for optimal efficiency, etcetera. The man more or less never stops working for more than five minutes... a week. He doesn't really care about the war, preferring not to involve himself in politics... however, the Empire does have a long history of employing mercenaries. So it would be rather good for business if they won.

Personal History:
Cairn was raised on Tatooine, where he fled from a rough life aboard a smuggler ship. He worked as a hand on their ship for a time before it was crashed by Mandalorians, leaving him the only survivor. He trained with the Mandalorians for a time before eventually escaping and becoming a mercenary when a mercenary group came and he hitched a ride with them. He worked alongside them for years, training and learning until he was the man in charge. Eventually, however, his crew's reputation got the better of them. One mission turned out to be an ambush that claimed the lives of everyone but him. He took on every one of his attackers, himself, and took them down alone.

Thinking he was finished, Cairn later went on what he thought would be his final mission. But when his target turned out to be a little Mirialan girl, his conscience got the better of him. He refused to turn her over to his client. When another bounty hunter was sent, Cairn rescued her before taking her under his own wing and raising her for upwards of 15 years, during which time they became a noteworthy duo... if one prone to bickering from time to time.

Quote :
General Information

Full Name: Kit-Lon "Kitty" Ro

Gender: F

Species: Mirialan

Age: 22

Force Alignment:

Height/Weight: 5'8" / 120+ lbs

Homeworld: Nar Shaddaa

Occupation/Rank: Smuggler

Force Powers/Abilities:
Droid Disable

The Force - Kitty lacks any form of formal Jedi, Sith, or otherwise training in her use of The Force. The Force abilities she possesses are all things that spawned in heated, desperate situations and she trained herself in afterwards.

Intellect - Kitty's intelligence is most certainly not up for debate. The woman is a technological genius. Combined with her Mechu-Deru Force Ability, she can take apart, put back together, and improve or sabotage pretty much anything. She can hack encryption of the highest caliber and fix pretty much anything, provided she has the time to figure it out. Usually, Mechu-Deru factored in, it only takes a few minutes at the longest. In fact, she seems to possess a general eidetic memory or intuitive aptitude for certain things, as evidenced by her understanding of some forms of lightsaber combat, despite not wielding a saber, herself, and never being formally trained in their use.

Ace Pilot - Kitty prides herself in being "one of the best damn pilots in the galaxy," knowing full well how pretty much any ship works and being able to execute advanced maneuvers with zero effort, even operating some larger ships without a copilot. She is a prodigal pilot and, in fact, rather dislikes having other people in the cockpit with her, having learned to fly solo (ha) when it was just her and Cairn, with Cairn manning the guns.

Marksmanship - Kitty's adoptive father, Cairn, has been training her in the art of the gunslinger pretty much since he found her. And while she's nowhere near the level of mastery that he is, she's exceptional to the average person. She does possess the unique trait of being better at using ship armaments than him.

Close Quarters Combat - Kitty's been well trained by Cairn in various methods of CQC, including a decent grasp of Teräs Käsi. She's also learned a decent amount in the various arts of Lightsaber duels, primarily as a means of knowing what to avoid, should she ever come across someone using a saber.

Gambling - Kit is a really REALLY good gambler.

Silver Tongue - Kit is a brilliant wordsmith.

Arsenal - Kitty carries around a small arsenal, including a pair of personal blasters (Yep, she dual wields blasters like a boss) and timed multi-intensity explosive charges.

Tools - Kitty carries several collapsible tools for quick, field usage.

Heroes  Hylovi11

Kitty is a wild card, known for her "Devil May Care" attitude and her natural propensity for getting in trouble. She's something of a silver-tongued opportunist, known for trying to negotiate her way out of things. But if that doesn't work, shooting and bone-snapping works, too. She's most well known, however, for her swindling. She likes to use her force powers to play tricks on people and later uses them to get her out of trouble. Particularly Shatterpoint. She's mischievous, but has a keen business sense. Kitty really couldn't care less about the war's political breakdown. Her job's illegal, anyway, so it doesn't matter who wins. But seeing as the Empire is a bit less tolerant of it, she generally favors the Republic more... for economic reasons.

Personal History:
Kitty was a street urchin for most of her childhood, stealing to survive. However, she was rescued and raised by Cairn from then on, despite his having been sent to capture and bring her to a Hutt she'd stolen from. She'd always been bright, proving to be a genius at a very early age. However, she was far more gifted than she realized. She was discovered to be Force Sensitive at an early age when she used Droid Disable to escape a security mech. She began to hone other Force powers she learned under similar pressure situations, carving out something of a reputation as a scoundrel in parts, but one who undeniably knew how to paint a pretty picture and sweet talk her way through anything.

Post War:

Last edited by Ink on Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:21 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 1:07 pm

General Information

Full Name: Rowena Lazuli (Ena, for short)

Heroes  Nakomis_zpsnybigpd2

Gender: Female

Species: Celanite Nalroni

Age: 21

Force Alignment: Light

Height/Weight: 5'7", 165 lbs (unarmored)

Homeworld: Celanon

Occupation/Rank: Jedi Knight, Consular-class

Force Powers/Abilities: Rowena possesses an unusually powerful connection to the Force, and despite her middling talents with a lightsaber, she is capable of impressive feats of Force control. However, as she is still young and inexperienced, she must be pushed to achieve her full potential; she cannot grasp all of her strength by herself.

Force Telekenesis, Force Deflection, Force Push/Pull, and Force Wave/Repulse: These abilities, Rowena has effectively mastered. By herself, she can manipulate and maneuver heavy objects with ease, and can throw even other Force users back with the power of her Force Pushes. At full power, she is capable of stopping and holding a shot from a turbolaser battery with the Force, and can even block a lightsaber blade with only the power of her Force Repulsion, though both of these feats take a massive amount of effort, effectively rooting her in place when she does either.

Malachia: One of Rowena's favorite abilities, allowing her to induce vertigo-esque symptoms including dizziness, nausea, and loss of balance. She often makes use of it to subdue aggressors without killing or seriously injuring them. However, she isn't skilled enough to make good use of it in combat.

Force Speed/Strength/Body: Rowena is skilled in the use of these techniques, but can still further develop her abilities.

Force Listening/Smell/Sight: Again, she has these techniques in hand, but has room to grow until mastery.

Breath Control: Rowena is capable of keeping herself alive on trace amounts of oxygen. Even in a vacuum, she would be capable of surviving long enough to escape.

Cleanse Mind
Force Concealment
Force Protection (Protection Bubble)
Force Healing
Healing Trance
Art of Movement
Force Sense
Force Precognition/Battle Precognition

Mind Trick:

Tutaminis: Rowena is very skilled at absorbing, redirecting, and dispersing energy. While not up to the level of being able to stop a lightsaber this way, she can absorb blaster bolts, Force Lightning, and similar projectiles. She can also pull in energy from machines using a combination of this and her Mechu-deru.

Force Empathy: Rowena is a ridiculously acute empath, to the point that she she can pick up the emotions of sentient beings from hundreds of meters away with almost perfect clarity. When she actually focuses on this power, she has to rely on someone else to pull her out of it, as the intensity is such that she cannot control it by herself. She relies on her implants and strict meditation to block out the worst of this ability.

Mechu-deru: Rowena is a genius with technology, and she specializes in space fightercraft and personal armor systems. However, all of her designs are in the prototype stage, being incomplete. However, she's been starting to get unusual reactions from biotechnology, which isn't something Mechu-deru is supposed to be able to influence. What this means, only time will tell.
Stun Droid/Droid Disable

Center of Being: Rowena, when pushed far enough, can fall into this state, allowing her complete control and focus. However, she cannot access it of her own volition.

Advanced Fighter Pilot: Owing partially to her incredible aptitude for machines, Rowena is a phenomenal pilot. If it's mechanical and operates in the air, she can fly it. While in terms of pure skill, she may be inferior to more experienced fighter pilots, her precognitive abilities from the Force combined with her ability to draw out the absolute limits of her craft's potential with Mechu-deru are a much sharper edge in combat.

Skillful Unarmed Combatant: Rowena can fight just as well with her fists and feet as with a blade. She's not amazing, but with the Force she's a match for any professional soldier.

Multilingual: Aside from Galactic Basic, Ena speaks Nalros, Mando'a, and Ryl. She is also one of the few non-Wookiees capable of speaking Shyriiwook and Xaczik, although the difference of speaking with a non-Wookiee voicebox gives her the equivalent of a strong accent. She's also capable of understanding most forms of Droidspeak.



Heroes  Ef01c9305478bdb686b96f6cf4349e2c

Rowena is trained in the Shien variant of Form V, Makashi, or Form II, and specializes in Niman, or Form VI, which allows her to make the best use of her stronger connection to the Force. She is not an extremely skilled or powerful lightsaber duelist, but she isn't inept either, more of a middle of the road.

Cranial implants: Rowena uses these to deflect the worst of her near-uncontrolled Force Empathy. These restrict her connection to the Living Force, but give her some relief from the cacophony of emotions and impressions that would literally drive her insane otherwise. Combined with strict meditation and personal control, she is able to keep it more or less balanced.

Mk. I PADS Prototype (Personal Armor Defense System): Rowena's prototype armor system. Forged from alloys roughly equivalent in durability to Mandalorian iron, it also slightly enhances the reaction speed, strength, and movement speed of the wearer, due to a thin liquid-crystal interface. However, it has a few technical issues, one of which being that the interface generates a gyroscopic force similar to that of a lightsaber, requiring constant tuning in order to function properly, and also requiring that its user be a Force adept of some type, in order to properly regulate their movements.

Personality: Rowena is a very kind and empathetic person. As a natural consequence of her empathy, she's very in touch with what others are feeling, and thus can seem awkward as she tries to navigate other people's emotions without provoking a strong negative reaction. She likes to tease and mess with others, particularly Master Tamil, but she never really means any harm. Otherwise, she's quite quiet, preferring to tinker with machines or meditate rather than socialize. However, she is very distraught over Master Fionn's fall to the Dark Side, and blames herself tremendously for being unable to support him.

Also, as a consequence of spending most of her childhood around droids, Ena is really happy and polite towards droids, almost moreso than she is towards her fellow organic sentients.

Personal History: Rowena grew up in a wealthy family of Celanite traders in Celanon City. She showed a natural aptitude for machines, but was treated like glass from a young age due to her "fragile constitution", a problem caused by her natural Force Empathy running unchecked. She was primarily raised by her uncle Dertzo, who owned a droid shop, and thus spent more company in the presence of droids than other sentients. ex-Jedi Master Fionn Graidus found her during a trip to Celanon, when she was about six years old, and recognized the problems with her as stemming from her uncontrolled connection to the Force. He took her with him after persuading her parents, knowing that if he did not, the Emperor was likely to take her and train her as one of his "hands", or worse. Over the next twelve years, he trained her in the Jedi arts, raising her like a daughter, despite his sorrow at surviving Order 66, as well as his self-hatred for being too afraid to stand up to the Emperor and Vader. After Vader's death, they joined with Luke Skywalker and others to create the New Jedi Order, and continued on as they had been. However, Fionn left the Order about a year later without much warning, leading Grand Master Skywalker to assign Rowena to Master Tamil Sazen to complete her training. However, Fionn showed up again roughly six months later, under the alias Turpidus, his anger and sorrow having given way to madness in his solitude. He committed a massacre on the planet Iridonia, slaughtering over a dozen Zabraks and Iridonians, then butchering the authorities sent to apprehend him before disappearing. Master Skywalker chose to send Master Tamil and Rowena, his old friend and his former Padawan, to apprehend him, and hopefully turn him back to the Light side. They have been chasing him for a year and change, and have finally pursued him to Coruscant, where the threads of the Dark Side have left a lingering taint...

Last edited by EonArashi on Tue Jan 26, 2016 5:57 am; edited 11 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 2:17 pm

General Information

Heroes  Z%20Jedi_zpshnzykjcl

Full Name: Tamil Sazen

Gender: Male

Species: Iridonian Zabrak

Age: 57

Force Alignment: Light

Height/Weight: 5'10", 162 lbs.

Homeworld: Iridonia

Occupation/Rank: Jedi Master, Guardian-class

Force Powers/Abilities: As a Jedi Master of the Guardian class, Tamil is extremely skilled in the use of combat Force techniques. In particular, he has a powerful aptitude for kinetic attacks, as well as enhancement techniques.

Force Telekinesis
Force Deflection
Force Push
Force Pull
Force Wave
Force Repulse
Force Grip
Force Protection (Protection Bubble)

A ball of "force energized lightning" that is effectively a canonball. While usually a Dark Side ability, Master Tamil has had great skill with the ability even without tapping into the Dark Side. An enhanced version of the Force Orb power, in which Tamil is also proficient.

Revelation: Tamil is capable of using this technique to outline and track enemies with the Force.

Mind Trick
Conceal Other
Dampen Presence
Cleanse Mind
Force Speed
Force Strength
Force Stealth
Force Body
Force Sense
Precognition (Battle Precognition)
Force Listening
Force Sight
Force Smell
Art of Movement
Breath Control
Force Healing
Detoxify Body
Hibernation Trance

Center of Being: This is basically Tamil's default combat mode; his focus is such that he can enter the state as easily as taking a few deep breaths. If he's not in this state, it's probably a pretty good clue that he's up to something.

Force Empathy: While not as in tune with this as Rowena, Tamil is capable of focusing on and ferreting out the emotions of others. In particular, he's very good at drawing her OUT of this state, though admittedly, he gets a lot of practice.


Lightsaber: Heroes  640?cb=20141013005839

Tamil is arguably one of the best lightsaber wielders in the entire New Jedi Order. He has mastered Forms I-VI and has basic training in what little bits of Juyo (Ancient Form VII) are left to the New Jedi Order. He specializes in a bizarre combination of Makashi and Djem So. While the two forms ordinarily are opposites, he combined them, allowing him to switch from elegant and controlled parries and ripostes to blistering power strikes within the same sequence, giving him an incredible ability to control how his opponent fights.

Rebreathers: Standard Jedi eqipment that allows him to breathe underwater.

Utility Belt: Because extra pockets are always a good thing.

Various little things he's stuffed into said pockets: Because heroic kleptomania is a thing.

Personality: Tamil is an extremely gifted negotiator, and acts the part. He's very diplomatic, highly polite, charmingly witty, and can make conversation with just about any being with ease. This is good, because his Padawan can get awkward at times. However, he's also known to have a bitingly sarcastic temperament when he gets annoyed, and can be a very harsh taskmaster. He also has a surprisingly foul mouth when not in diplomacy mode.

Personal History: Born approximately seven years after Obi-Wan Kenobi, Tamil Sazen grew up in the Jedi Temple. An incredibly gifted duelist, Tamil was trained by such Jedi as Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, and then-Battlemaster Cin Drallig. In particular, Master Jinn had a profound impact on Tamil's development as a Jedi, leading to his propensity for negotiations. He was a great hero during the Clone Wars, garnering victories at Esseles, Anaxes, and leading the incredible effort during the Third Battle of Muunilist. During these battles, he was paired with the younger Jedi Knight Fionn Graidus, and formed something close to a brotherhood with the man. He escaped Order 66 not by "escaping" at all, but by annihilating his company of clone troopers when they turned on him. He spent the next twenty or so years flitting around the Outer Rim, busting up slave trades and trying to find other Jedi survivors. After the Emperor's death, he was reunited with Fionn and his Padawan Rowena, which brought him a great deal of joy, and settled into the New Jedi Order as a Master. However, Fionn left the Order about a year later without much warning, leading Grand Master Skywalker to assign Rowena to Tamil in order to complete her training. However, Fionn showed up again roughly six months later, under the alias Turpidus, his anger and sorrow having given way to madness in his solitude. He committed a massacre on the planet Iridonia, slaughtering over a dozen Zabraks and Iridonians, then butchering the authorities sent to apprehend him before disappearing. Master Skywalker chose to send Master Tamil and Rowena, his old friend and his former Padawan, to apprehend him, and hopefully turn him back to the Light side. They have been chasing him for a year and change, and have finally pursued him to Coruscant, where the threads of the Dark Side have left a lingering taint...

Last edited by EonArashi on Mon Jan 04, 2016 3:02 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 6:31 pm

Quote :
General Information

Full Name: Siha Irikah

Gender: F

Species: Nautolan

Age: 22

Force Alignment: Light

Height/Weight: 5'9" / 147lbs

Homeworld: Glee Ansem

Occupation/Rank: Jedi Knight

Force Powers/Abilities:
Breath Control
Center of Being
Detoxify Poison
Force Healing
Force Sense - Battle Precognition, Psychometry
Force Listening
Force Sight
Alter Damage
Force Blinding
Force Jump
Force Orb
Force Stasis Field
Force Protection - All variants
Cleanse Mind
Alter Environment - Particularly adept at controlling water
Force Valor

Force Empathy - Siha is an incredibly powerful and talented Empath. Because of her language barrier, Siha has honed her ability to read emotions down to an art. She can read the subtle nuances in any emotion in order to near mimic telepathy. Thus she uses this largely as a form of communication. While it only allows her to understand others and not vice versa, she does generally respond in non-verbal fashion. Furthermore, Siha is able to harness her Force Empathy power into a vicious psychological attack known as Force Penance. A sort of Light Side variant of Torture of Chagrin, it causes to victim to experience every negative emotion they've ever felt, all at once, crippling them mentally and physically with an assault that turns those raw emotions into torturous psychological energy. However, it likewise causes her to endure a sort of emotional backlash, which can be just as debilitating if she isn't mentally prepared to employ this power.

Adept Duelist - Siha has honed her talents with a lightsaber throughout her brief tenure as a Jedi and has become proficient in Form II: Makashi and Form III: Soresu. She's also versed in Form V: Shien and Form VI: Niman. Added to this is her specified training in the use of dual-bladed lightsabers, her use of Sokan, and her skill in Su ma. With all in mind, Siha battles as a living whirlwind, constantly spinning herself and her saber to keep up her momentum and place more power behind precise strikes. She likewise uses this motion to dizzy her opponents and uses precision strikes to disrupt concentration so her spinning and sweeping movements can do the bulk of the damage. With this style in mind, there's seldom an opening to exploit. Though it also isn't the most powerful combat style around.

Dual-Bladed Lightsaber - Siha specializes in the use of a Dual-Bladed Lightsaber (although she can use a standard one if she must).

Heroes  Commis13

Siha is often regarded as one of the purest souls in the Galaxy. She is utterly selfless and willing to lay her life on the line for any other. Despite her language barrier (Fluent in Nautila but only very rudimentary grasp of Galactic Basic), she still possesses the ability to deeply understand others through their emotions. With this understanding she is able to offer counsel and comfort to those in need. She is charitable and kind and all too familiar with how dark a place the galaxy can be, not to try to lighten it up from time to time. While largely pacifistic, Siha will fight if she must, usually beginning and ending a duel with a prayer-like gesture to signify a plead to the powers that be for forgiveness. Siha simply does what she can to make sure all around her are ever in good spirits.

Personal History:
To Be Added...

Last edited by Ink on Thu Dec 31, 2015 9:11 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeThu Dec 31, 2015 7:46 am

General Information

Full Name: Saltatha

Gender: Male

Species: Wookiee

Age: 91

Force Alignment: Light Side

Height/Weight: 8'3"/ 330lbs

Homeworld: Kashyyyk

Occupation/Rank: Jedi Knight (Sentinel)

Force Powers/Abilities:

Mind Trick
Stun/Stun Droid
Force Speed/Strength/Endurance
Breath Control
Art of Movement
Force Valor
Force Barrier
Force Scream (Well more a roar when coming from him)
Force Sight
Force Resistance

Adept Light Saber Duelist: Saltatha has mastered the lightsaber forms of Djem So, Ataru, and Makashi and is proficient in Soresu, Shien, and Juyo as well. Using his own natural strength his strikes are incredibly powerful making his Djem So style incredibly dangerous for his enemies allowing him to quickly overpower an opponent, he also makes use of Ataru allowing him to move with incredible speed, spinning and flipping through the air delivering powerful strikes that normal Ataru uses could only dream of.

Expert Pilot: Saltatha is one of the best pilots in the Jedi Order and the Republic able to fly anything from fighter craft to even larger capital ships.

Skilled Tactician and Strategist: Saltatha has considerable combat experience from serving in the Jedi Order of the Old Republic during the Clone Wars and as a member of the Rebel Alliance against the Empire. He is one of the Republic's best Jedi Generals and is a well respected leader, even by Imperial and Mandalorian foes.

Multi-lingual: Saltatha is fluent in all three Wookiee languages; Shyriiwook, Thykarann, and Xaczik. While unable to speak Basic he understands it completely.


Lightsaber: Saltatha makes use of a yellow bladed custom built lightsaber, it uses wood from the
Wroshyr trees of Kashyyyk in it's handle.

Utility Belt: Saltatha's utility belt contains various devices and tools for use in the field, such as rebreathers.

Bowcaster: Saltatha makes use of a powerful Bowcaster he himself crafted making use of it when needed.


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Saltatha is a strong willed and loyal person. He has seen great suffering from his time during the Clone Wars, the Jedi Purge, and the enslavement of his own people by the Galactic Empire. He however remained true to the Jedi Code and has suppressed his anger through meditation. He is a selfless being and is incredibly protective of others.

He harbors a great distaste for the Empire and it's remnant that still fights on from the atrocities carried out in Emperor Palpatine's name. He has built a solid friendship with many Jedi and considers the Jedi Master Davik Tay'lon one of his closest friends.

Personal History:

Born on Kashyyyk in 84BBY he was rare among Wookiees as he was Force sensitive and incredibly strong in the Force as well. He was brought to the Jedi Temple when he was younger and underwent his training and became Master Yoda's apprentice who taught him the form Ataru himself.

Saltatha would serve as a Jedi Knight in the Jedi Order but had no wish to become a member of the Jedi Council preferring to stay out of the politics and serve the people of the galaxy. He was often out and about in the galaxy taking on missions and became known as one of the best warriors in the Order.

When the Clone Wars broke out he was on Geonosis and arrived with Master Yoda and the Grand Army of the Republic. He would serve alongside Yoda for most of the war and became friends with fellow Jedi General Davik Tay'lon even keeping Davik's romance with Katari Renshin a secret when he found out.

After Order 66 and the formation of the Empire Saltatha remained on Kashyyyk to be part of the Wookiee resistance against the Imperial occupation. He would even face down Darth Vader. He was forced to flee his homeworld and went into hiding for a time.

After Endor he joined up with the Rebel Alliance as it became the Galactic Republic and he joined Luke Skywalker, Ashoka Tano, and his old friend Davik in forming a new Jedi Order.
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The Captain

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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeThu Jan 07, 2016 11:49 am

General Information

Full Name: Cassus Ordo "Mandalore the Reclaimer"

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Age: 25

Force Alignment: none

Height/Weight: 6'5"/ 220lbs

Homeworld: Mandalore

Occupation/Rank: Mand'alor

Force Powers: none


Mandalorian Warrior Training: Since he was a boy Cassus has been taught to fight, think both tactically and strategically. He is the epitome of a perfect soldier and commander. A brazen strategist who commands with brutal efficiency. 

Master of Teräs Käsi: Cassus is a master in the martial arts style of Teräs Käsi which allows him t take on even Jedi in hand to hand combat.

Weapons/Armor Expert: Being a Mandalorian he is extremely well verse in weapons of all types and armor. Including Starships, Blasters, and Mandalorian Armor. 

Marksmanship: Cassus is an incredible marksman, one of the best in the galaxy.

Hand to Hand/Melee Fighting Expert: Trained in both unarmed and armed combat he can beat nearly anyone in a fist fight, or he can pick up just about anything and use it as a weapon with lethal force. 


Supercommando Arsenal: Cassus makes use of various weapons and gadgets such as blasters, slugthrowers, flamethrowers, explosives, a pet Ysalamir, a Beskar Vibrosword, and many other weapons.

Beskar Plated Mandalorian Armor


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Cassus is a warrior driven by honor and glory. He loves his people and culture and will do whatever it takes to keep their honor intact. He has no hatred towards the Empire, Republic, Sith or Jedi. He simply makes his way in the galaxy and does the same for his people.

Personal History:

Born on the world of Ordo that his family and Clan ruled over for the ancient Mandalores. From childhood he was bred to be a warrior he became one of the best Mandalorian warriors. He went on to become a feared bounty hunter and mercenary in his early twenties.

When Baltan Varad united the Mandalorian Clans again began his Crusade against the Empire and the Republic, Cassus joined up seeking honor and glory. He quickly rose through the ranks and became one of the Mandalore's best fighters and commanders.

He led various Supercommando strikes against Imperial and Republic targets and has himself killed 15 Jedi Knights and collected their lightsabers not as trophies but to remember them as worthy foes.

He has recently become the newest Mandalore after Baltan Varad's treachery was revealed to the Mandalorians. Cassus himself fought Baltan in the arena on Mandalore and slew him in single combat, taking the title of Mandalore.

Last edited by The Captain on Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:02 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeSun Jan 17, 2016 5:55 am

Heroes  Destiny-wallpaper-3

Name: Xamot "Hunter" Tomax
Species: Human
Age: 30
Force Alignment: None
Homeworld: Unknown
Occupation/Rank: Classified
Abilities: Expert in hand to hand and melee fighting, Stealth, and Demolitions.

Coming Soon
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2016 1:22 pm

General Information

Heroes  ShaeVizla-Deceived_zpsw8crq6io

Full Name: Serra Jendri

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Age: 33

Force Alignment: N/A

Height/Weight: 5'9", 142 lbs

Homeworld: Mandalore

Occupation/Rank: Imperial Navy, Captain

Force Powers/Abilities: While not sensitive to the Force, Serra is an exceptionally skilled soldier.

Top-Class Pilot: Serra is an exceptionally skilled pilot, capable of keeping up with Force users despite her own lack of Force sensitivity.

Military Command Experience: Serra has more than ten years of commanding the Imperial Navy's best and brightest under her belt. She's an adept commander.

Skilled Tactician: While not on the level of Thrawn, Serra is quite skilled at tactics. Hers is often displayed in how severely savvy she is; she'll pick up on tricks and the like before they're in use and counter them before they can really get started.

Expert Gunslinger: Serra is an expert marksman and quick-draw expert. She's not as quick on the draw as Carin (she'll manage about four or five shots to his six), nor as accurate as Tsuni, she's definitely second on the totem pole in both aspects.

Exceptional Melee Weapon User: Serra favors a custom-made Vibro-axe forged from an alloy of beskar and phrik in melee combat. This gives her an edge against lightsaber-wielders. She's also adept with knives, maces, swords, and most other melee tools, but she's best with polearm and pike weaponry.

Master Hand-to-Hand Combatant: A master in both Teräs Käsi and Stava, Serra is one of the best martial artists the galaxy over. Given her Mandalorian Armor and skills, she's capable of taking down average or weaker Force users with her bare hands. She's also exceptionally strong and fast for an unenhanced human, which gives her an added edge in hand-to-hand.

Not actually spoilers, just compressed to avoid taking up space:

Personal Ship- Requiem

Personality: Serra is a bit aloof, and a tad spacey outside of combat. She really seems like she doesn't care about much, preferring to whittle away time checking her guns, listening to music, or carving wooden figurines, much to the bafflement of her crew. She often ends up tracking wood shavings everywhere while on station, which aggravates the cleaning droids. However, her Mandalorian blood really starts to boil in a fight. While she's not a rowdy fighter, her eyes get a certain gleam in them, and the corner of her mouth curls up in a very vindictive smirk whenever she's in a fight. If she's completely blank-faced and impassive while fighting? RUN. Even if you are a Sith Lord. Probably especially if you are a Sith Lord.

Personal History: Serra was born to Clan Jendri on Mandalore, an ancient clan that existed even during Revan's time. While once mighty warriors considered equal to Clan Ordo, the Jendri fell out of power during the time of the Republic's glory days. By the Clone Wars, they were a shell of what they'd once been. However, after the Empire's rise to power, Serra had had enough of living off the scraps of more powerful clans, and left to enroll in the Imperial Navy in 11 BBY. Graduating officer training at age 16 as a Warrant Officer, she blazed through the ranks at light-speed, gaining her Ensign's bar in a year, and her Captain's wings within two. She was shipped out to serve under Admiral Thrawn's main fleet in the inner regions, and while she earned a reputation for brutal efficiency, she  was never promoted to the Admiralty, as doing so would preclude her from ground and commando operations, two areas in which she excelled. After the death of Palpatine, she resigned her officer's comission and retired to Kiffu, starting a family. However, when Thrawn called her back in the wake of the Sith's attacks, she rose to the challenge and retook the helm of her personal battle cruiser, the Requiem.

Last edited by EonArashi on Wed Jan 20, 2016 8:00 am; edited 3 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeTue Jan 19, 2016 11:58 pm

Quote :
General Information

Full Name: Unknown. ST-0001 "301," "Major-1," or simply "Major"

Gender: M

Species: Human

Age: Late 20s

Force Alignment: N/A

Height/Weight: 6'2"/200+

Homeworld: Unmentioned

Occupation/Rank: "Super Stormtrooper"

Force Powers/Abilities:
Super Stormtrooper - While not engineered, this particular trooper has been specially trained and conditioned. Physically he's beyond any normal Stormtrooper, being at least three times as strong and several times as resilient, both without his armor. He's also swifter than one would think.

CQC - Major has been trained in CQC, specifically for the purpose of dealing with the Jedi in the Republic's ranks. He's an exceptional martial artist and very adept in the use of close quarters weaponry.

Marksmanship - Let it never be said that every Stormtrooper misses everything. Because between his training and his suit's HUD, Major seldom does.

Battle Tactician & Strategist - Major is often commended for his quick thinking and adaptability in the heat of battle. He's an expert at devising complex battle strategies on the spot and acting quick, ever on his feet under pressure.

Natural Leader - While technically a solo operative with no one under his command and several less capable individuals outranking him, Major does possess a natural affinity for leadership, preferring to lead through camaraderie, as opposed to barking orders. Those who follow him don't do so because they have to. Literally speaking, they don't. They follow because they wish to. Because they trust him and know he does his job.

Survival - Major is trained to survive in harsh environments, with or without his suit.

SK-1 Armor - Also known as "Storm Knight" Armor, Major wears a unique suit of Stormtrooper armor that has been specially designed for his program. As he is the only trooper of his kind and the armor is specially made, his suit is so far the only one of its kind, sporting tech that no other trooper's does. Unlike standard Stormtrooper armor, his is sturdier (comparative to Mandalorian armor), on top of being shielded. Thus it protects him from direct blaster fire. The shields are strong enough that they can take a few hits from a lightsaber before depleting and can even stand up to a Bowcaster and powerful Force-based attacks, though is especially vulnerable to some others. The helmet doesn't hamper his vision, as it does other troopers, even coming with a HUD system. The suit is, in fact, equipped with an A.I. It operates his HUD system and allows him to hack through a port that comes from the suit's right wrist. This A.I. does have another function, however. The suit's build makes it incredibly heavy. While this adds to his resilience and strength, it makes movement incredibly difficult under the wearer's own power (though Major has proven more capable that other candidates in functioning under its weight). The A.I. works in tandem with the wearer's thoughts to move the suit with them, meaning that unlike a normal trooper, mobility is a non-issue. Furthermore, if the A.I. detects mind alteration, it will assume full control of the suit to carry out mission parameters or defensive tactics until detection of outer influence is removed. This A.I. is likewise tamper-resistant, being made to adapt if it detects signs of hacking or other unauthorized alteration. The suit does also come with the standard trooper environmental systems and other basic functions. The grappling hook is exchanged for an energy cord, similar to a light whip, but not harmful. The suit can't be removed without Major's verbal command. It's powered using Diatium Power Cells, similar to those used in lightsabers. Using a network of small cells working in concert, the suit's output is particularly high and thanks to this source, the suit is self-recharging, much like a lightsaber.

Personal Armory - Many of the weapons used by Major are top-of-the-line Imperial weapons, specially designed for his use, making them more efficient and, in some cases, more powerful. He, however, generally favors the E-11 Blaster and a Disruptor Rifle.

Light Shield - Functioning on similar technology to a lightsaber, Major has a energy shield built into either forearm in his armor. They can be expanded or retracted to various sizes, including using both at once to form a dome barrier around himself and up to two friendlies. Because it operates similarly to lightsabers, it is able to deflect them. Though it does take its power from his personal shielding and the energy takes a few seconds to return to said personal shielding when the light shield is turned off or broken. The shield was added as a means of protecting against the inevitability of Force attacks, particularly Force Lightning, which the suit is vulnerable to.

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Strong, swift, smart, sly, and a natural in battle, Major is often regarded as the perfect soldier by those who know him... and a mistake to much of the top brass. While a natural leader and never one to leave a man behind, he has a tendency towards taking rather extreme risks and forgoing plans or orders that he happens to disagree with. He often notes that no army has use for soldiers that can't think for themselves. He's an excellent tactician and cunning soldier, one that many wouldn't really associate with being a Storm Trooper. He, in fact, seems to be much more of an individual and doesn't put up with people's bulls**t. It seems very much that he recognizes the futility of war and has lost his taste for it. But he's a soldier. All he's ever been is a soldier. It's all he really knows. While he has very few fans in the top brass, no one will argue with his results.

Personal History:
Major was trained to be the answer to the Empire's Jedi problem. A sort of super Stormtrooper that could stand up to the powers of a Jedi through rigorous training that no other troopers were subjected to and the most advanced suit of armor the Empire could produce for a soldier. The resources required to make the suit were so scarce, however, and the task so great that the Empire designed a program around them that only hand-picked troopers were selected for. Originally operating under a different serial code, Major swept through qualification and had that serial code changed to ST-0001: The First Super Stormtrooper.

Major is generally only deployed on the most dire of missions. The battles that the Empire CANNOT afford to lose, and even then they'll occasionally hold him back and chance it. Primarily as a means of not showing their hand to the Republic. Stories exist. Rumblings within the Republic of a soldier on the Empire's side that outdid the Jedi on numerous occasions. Even Tsuni claims to have once crossed paths with such a soldier, though didn't see anything, herself, and simply heard an exchange between an ally and this super soldier. No clear evidence of his presence could be presented until this point. Throughout his operations, however, he's worked with other noteworthy soldiers, including Jarik Bahr. He's definitely made very few friends within top brass, but they keep him around, if only because they know he's very much the reason many victories went the way they did.

Over the years, Major seems to have developed more of a personal consciousness and sense of individuality. Some have hypothesized that it's a side-effect of allowing an A.I. so close to his mind.
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PostSubject: Re: Heroes    Heroes  Icon_minitimeSat Jan 23, 2016 2:46 pm

Quote :
General Information

Full Name: Affectionately called "B2-D2" also called "Beta" by some

Gender: Masculine Programming

Species: B-series Battle Droid

Age: Manufacture Date Unknown. Likely during the Clone Wars.

Force Alignment: N/A

Height: 6'3"

Homeworld: Unknown Manufacture Origin

Occupation/Rank: Unknown. Likely Former Unit in Imperial Droid Army or Guard Droid

Force Powers/Abilities:

Double Blaster Cannon - As with all B-series Battle Droids, B2 is armed with a forearm-mounted double blaster cannon.

Jetpack - B2's frame is equipped with thrusters in his back, allowing it to fly and hover for brief periods.

Rocket Launcher - B2's frame is a B2-HA unit, sporting a rocket launcher in his left arm.

Duranium - B2's chassis is composed of Duranium alloy, making him incredibly durable. Able to take blows from lightsabers.

Camouflage System - B2 has a built-in camouflage system that allows him to blend in with his surroundings for surprise attacks.

Duranium Chassis - As B2 is made up of Duranium, he can endure Lightsaber blows and is physically rather strong. However, he isn't exactly designed for speed.

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Heroes  B2_lin10

B2 speaks entirely in Astromech chatter, which comes through the deeper vocal instruments of a B2-unit, making the sound rather different, though not changing the meaning. B2 is blunt and more or less a complete deadpan. He's steely and rigid, seldom speaking unless spoken to. And even then responses are short at best. B2 does tend to forget himself, often momentarily forgetting about his weaponry and accidentally blowing something up. B2's flat statements tend to come across as a bit sharp and biting at times... and it often seems intentional, implying an underlying sarcastic wit. This is largely a factor of his two conflicting programs clashing. However, when in company of those he seems to trust or otherwise hold in higher regard, his Astromech programming begins to overshadow that of his B2 programming, causing him to act friendlier towards them, almost like a pet or eager servant. It's in the company of those he's indifferent to or unfound of that his B2 persona seems more dominant.

Personal History:
The specifics of the entity's existence are murky at best. The droid's memory is corrupt. However, it is known that it somehow possesses an Astromech A.I in the frame of a B2-unit battle droid. Yet remnants of rudimentary B2 programming are present.
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